The hair on your head is dead protein. The live part of hair lies below the scalp. There are parts of the hair on your head that may be several years old. So although hair is resilient, it can suffer wear and damage from many years of brushing, combing, styling, the environment, etc. It's worthwhile to handle and manipulate hair as little as you can get away with to minimize the harm done from too much of it.

Hair is not made healthier or shinier or more lustrous by the friction and tugging that occurs as a result of combing , brushing and styling. And while it's important for a number of reasons to keep hair clean - washing it too much can strip it of scalps oils. and leave it dry and prone to damage. A moderate regimen of care and conditioning can help to ensure that your hair is as healthy as it can be.

There are lots of folks who have experienced the heartbreak and anxiety of hair loss due the to constant stressing of their hair. This stress can be caused by consistent pulling and tugging of hair, overly tight braids, ponytails, certain hairstyles, the over use of harsh chemicals, or too many applications of hot combs or blow dryers. The abuse of any of these hair treatments can result in weakening of the hair and excess shedding.

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As the hair is part of the body, it responds positively to the overall health and well being of the rest of the body. And while healthy living, exercise, adequate nutrition and a low-stress lifestyle cannot reverse pattern baldness; you can be sure that it will in no way contribute to it, or be the cause of any atypical hair loss.

Getting regular exercise is important for whole body function, not just for hair. It's not necessary (or even desirable, really) to spend hours working out or running to keep the body functioning near its optimal level. A reasonable exercise program undertaken a few times a week is really all you need to counter balance the effects of an otherwise sedentary life and questionable nutrition.

And crash or extreme diets do nothing to add to hair health. A well-balanced and healthy diet with recommended amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables is best. And because hair is protein, it is important to eat adequate amounts of it to maintain hair health. For those who are vegetarians, there may be an increased level of diligence needed to ensure sufficient protein is taken in.

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There have been studies that link some hair loss problems to some kinds of vitamin deficiencies. Eating a healthy diet can supply much of what's needed in vitamins and minerals. If you want to be sure that all needed nutrients for healthy hair are taken in then supplements can supply them. Amino acids, vitamin A and B vitamins are important, as are some minerals such as magnesium, sulfur and zinc.

Just as important for the health of your hair as nutrition and exercise is getting enough rest and sleep. Again, it is vital to the health of your entire body that it be given the opportunity to repair itself during sleep - and it's equally vital for healthy hair. If you're tired all the time and having unusual hair difficulties: there may be a connection between the two.

And if you are under a high level of stress, it can affect your hair as well. In fact, some people actually experience hair loss due a high amount of stress to deal with. If this is a problem for you and you are not able to get away from the stress-producing thing, then try to incorporate some stress relieving activity in your life. Meditation is one of the best ways to minimize stress. Developing the ability to keep your mind free from unwanted thoughts, and to control it's tendency to wander to the future and the past via imagination and memory, can do wonders for one's peace of mind and stress reduction.

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